Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday 10th May

Hola sala de trece (Hello, room 13)
Fantástico trabajo, Shiah (fantastic work, Shiah)for creativity in your story writing!

Well, here we are in week four of term 2 and we are well and truly on our journey learning so many languages - Te Reo Maori, French and Spanish! I cannot believe that just after one lesson some of you are able to say hello and ask how someone is as well as counting in Spanish!!! Muy buena.

What a disgusting time we had examining the contents of the box - animal brains and an Ox heart! At least we saw how big an animals heart can be!

Life Education is at our school at the moment and we are learning some fascinating things about our circulatory system! We will soon be sharing our work on this site!

Don't forget Middle Team hockey practice on Wednesdays at lunch times.


Mrs. C.

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